New Ways of Working

“Organisations need to continuously innovate to adapt to a fast-changing environment”.

How many times have you heard this cliché?

Yet, despite all the talk of innovation, organizations still fail at transforming successfully—and often lose their people in the process.

They’re crippled by old ways of working—ideas pushed by business schools, consulting firms, and the so-called “science” of management: process documentation, performance KPIs, endless reporting. Sounds familiar?

The result? A workplace plagued by disengaged workers, bullshit jobs, dysfunctional teams, burnouts, bore-outs, “quiet quitting”, and wasted talent.

These poor ways of working are not only crippling organizations but also preventing us from solving the big challenges we face as a society. We’re failing to adapt, and it’s costing us.

But I believe there’s a better way to achieve meaningful results—by working differently.

So, how do we bring back a bit of magic, fun, joy, creativity, and humanity at work? How do we make people feel included, engaged as whole human beings, and, ultimately, create amazing results together?

Here it is: My 10 Principles for Better Work, Better Results.

  1. Start with a clear leadership vision of where you want to go—and make sure you can measure your success.

    2.   Know your real problem, its root causes, and who you are solving it for.

    3.   Stay curious and open to whatever emerges in the process of solving that problem.

    4.   Acknowledge people as full human beings, and give space for their hidden passions and talents to emerge.

    5.   Embrace the richness of all profiles—leverage the diversity of strengths and perspectives within your team.

    6.   Trust in people’s ability to self-organize. Give them the autonomy, responsibility, and space to lead and commit.

    7.   Balance method and chaos. Use structure, but allow enough creative disorder for the best ideas to surface.

    8.   Experiment early and often. Prototype, fail fast, and fail as much as possible.

    9.   Be very seriously playful. Don’t let the seriousness of work drown out creativity and joy.

10.   Trust in the power of relationships. The most meaningful, impactful conversations often happen in informal, undocumented moments.

These principles are about more than a list of tips and tricks —they’re about changing the way we work together as human beings in order to create results that truly impact our world for the better.


Value-Driven Consulting